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#17705868   2007/08/17 To Up

Transcription factor network downstream of protease activated receptors (PARs) modulating mouse bladder inflammation.

All four PARs are present in the urinary bladder, and their expression is altered during inflammation. In order to search for therapeutic targets other than the receptors themselves, we set forth to determine TFs downstream of PAR activation in the C57BL/6 urinary bladders.
Ricardo Saban, Cindy Simpson, Carole A Davis, Igor Dozmorov, Julie Maier, Ben Fowler, Michael A Ihnat, Robert E Hurst, Barry K Wershil, Marcia R Saban

1593 related Products with: Transcription factor network downstream of protease activated receptors (PARs) modulating mouse bladder inflammation.

4 Membranes/Box100.00 ug0.1ml (1mg/ml)610ml1-8 Sample Kit2ug10 100 ug200ug100ug 25UG

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