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Search results for: Glucose Transporter Type 2, Biotin conjugates


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#12481939   // To Up

Glucose transporter 1 gene expression is related to thyroid neoplasms with an unfavorable prognosis: an immunohistochemical study.

An accelerated rate of glucose metabolism mediated by overexpression of key regulatory glycolytic enzymes and glucose transporters is among the most characteristic biochemical marker of malignant transformed cells. In thyroid neoplasms, however, an increased uptake of glucose [measured by 2-[18F]-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose (FDG) and positron emission tomography (PET)] seems to be restricted to more aggressive and high-grade tumors, whereas tumors with favorable prognosis demonstrate no significant tracer uptake. We therefore studied the expression of glucose transporters in thyroid carcinomas with different grades of malignancy.
Johann Schönberger, J Rüschoff, Daniela Grimm, Jörg Marienhagen, Petra Rümmele, Rotraud Meyringer, Peter Kossmehl, Ferdinand Hofstaedter, Christoph Eilles

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