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Search results for: Cathepsin G, anti_human IgG


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Identification and possible function of cathepsin G in gingival crevicular fluid from chronic adult periodontitis patients and from experimental gingivitis subjects.

The levels of cathepsin G in gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) from chronic adult periodontitis patients and experimental gingivitis subjects were determined both by activity measurement using N-benzoyl-(DL)-phenylalanine-2-naphthyl ester as a substrate and by enzyme immunoassay using anti-human cathepsin G IgG. The activity level of cathepsin G in GCF of both periodontitis and experimental gingivitis has no significant correlation with all measured clinical parameters. Western immunoblotting using antibodies specific for cathepsin G or alpha 1-proteinase inhibitor revealed that the difficulty in demonstrating the association of its activity with the severity of these diseases was due largely to formation of the enzyme-inhibitor complexes. By contrast, statistically significant positive correlation was found between cathepsin G content in GCF of periodontitis, which was determined by enzyme immunoassay, and such clinical parameters as the GCF volume, the gingival index and probing depth. The increased cathepsin G content with increasing severity of periodontal inflammation was markedly diminished by the initial treatment. Although no significant activity was detectable in GCF of experimental gingivitis, a rapid increase of the immunoreactive cathepsin G was found in GCF at 3-5 d after refraining from oral hygiene measures, which rapidly decreased by 10 d. The progressively increased cathepsin G between 10th and 21st d rapidly decreased by cleaning of the teeth. The results indicate that cathepsin G is involved in the host's defensive mechanism against the invasion of etiologic microbes and/or the development of either periodontitis or gingivitis.
K Kunimatsu, N Mine, Y Muraoka, I Kato, T Hase, Y Aoki, K Yamamoto

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50 UG100 μg96 wells (1 kit)1000 tests1000 tests0.1 mg100 μg

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