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#11596490   // To Up

Distribution of actin and the actin-associated proteins myosin, tropomyosin, alpha-actinin, vinculin, and villin in rat and bovine exocrine glands.

Actin, myosin, and the actin-associated proteins tropomyosin, alpha-actinin, vinculin, and villin were localized in acinar cells of rat and bovine pancreas, parotid, and prostate glands by means of immunofluorescent staining of both frozen tissue sections and semithin sections of quick-frozen, freeze-dried, and plastic-embedded tissues. Antibodies to actin, myosin, tropomyosin, alpha-actinin, and villin reacted strongly with a narrow cytoplasmic band extending beneath the luminal border of acinar cells. The presence of villin, which has so far been demonstrated only in intestinal and kidney brush border, was further confirmed by antibody staining of blotted electrophoresis gels of whole acinar cell extracts. Fluorescently labelled phalloidin, which reacts specifically with F-actin, gave similar staining, within the cell apex to that obtained with antibodies to actin, myosin, tropomyosin, alpha-actinin, and villin. In contrast, immunostaining with antibodies to vinculin was restricted to the area of the junctional complex. Ultrastructurally, the apical immunoreactive band corresponded to a dense web composed of interwoven microfilaments, which could be decorated with heavy meromyosin. Outside this apical terminal web, antibodies to myosin and tropomyosin gave only a weak immunostaining (confined to the lateral cell borders) whereas antibodies to actin and alpha-actinin led to a rather strong bead-like staining along the lateral and basal cell membrane most probably marking microfilament-associated desmosomes. Anti-villin immunofluorescence was confined to the apical terminal web. It is suggested that the apical terminal web is important for the control of transport and access of secretory granules to the luminal plasma membrane and that villin, which is known to bundle or sever actin filaments in a Ca(++)-dependent manner, might participate in the regulation of actin polymerization within this strategically located network of contractile proteins.
D Drenckhahn, H G Mannherz

2008 related Products with: Distribution of actin and the actin-associated proteins myosin, tropomyosin, alpha-actinin, vinculin, and villin in rat and bovine exocrine glands.

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#1066272   // To Up

Quality of the meat after the application of anabolic agents in young calves.

Experiments were carried out to test the effect of implantation of Implix¿ (20 mg estradiol + 200 mg testosterone) or Revalor¿ (140 mg trienbolone acetate + 20 mg estradiol) on growth, feed conversion, slaughter quality, and residue levels in black Friesian bull calves at 4, 8, or 4 and 8 weeks before slaughtering. Weighings and calculations of feed conversion were carried out weekly. The control group of weight gain and feed conversion consisted of 22 calves; the chemical analyses of the control group was restricted to 8 animals. Implantation of the hormones at 4 or 8 weeks before slaughtering resulted in a significant beneficial effect on weight gain, feed conversion and carcass index over the control. This effect was improved (up to 15%) by implanting the hormones at 8 and 4 weeks before slaughter. The effects obtained with Revalor seemed to be superior to those obtained with Implix. In 75% of the treated animals, some remainder of implants was found. No effect was found on water binding capacity and colour of raw meat. Carcass quality was not significantly improved as judged from water, fat, ash, and protein content of the M. Longissimus Dorsi. The collagen content of the animals treated with Revalor was slightly, though not significantly, increased. There is a slight decrease in the relative bone content of the treated animals over the control resulting in higher meat percentages. Residues were determined in meat obtained from rib and neck by biological and chemical methods. Oestrogenic activity was found in only 7 samples from the neck; all samples from the rib were negative. Chemical examination indicates the presence of oestradiol in these samples. No residues of trienbolone could be detected in the meat samples. The Pars Dissiminata of the prostate was examined histologically on frozen and paraffin sections. Although the latter permitted a sharper interpretation, both methods indicated an increased activity of the prostates induced by hormone treatment. Compared to Implix, Revalor treatment provoked a more pronounced mucous activity. In recent years, the administration of estrogens in combination with testosterone or with trenbolone acetate (androst-4,9[10]-11-trien-3-one 17-acetate)2,3,4,17 has been shown to improve the growth rate and feed conversion5,14,17 in farm animals. However, there is a lack of information on carcass quality, which is of interest to the producer as well as to the consumer. Moreover, there are sample data14 about the residue levels remaining in the carcass following hormone implantation. These experiments were carried out to test the effect of the implantation of Implix¿ (20 mg estradiol + 200 mg testosterone) or Revalor¿ (140 mg trienbolone acetate + 20 mg estradiol) on growth, feed conversion, slaughter quality, and residue levels in black Friesian bull calves.
R Verbeke, M Debackere, R Hicquet, H Lauwers, G Pottie, J Stevens, D Van Moer, J Van Hoof, G Vermeersch

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