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Search results for: Beta Amyloid (1 42) High Sensitivity ELISA Kit, Human


#23844122   2013/07/02 To Up

A Luminex assay detects amyloid β oligomers in Alzheimer's disease cerebrospinal fluid.

Amyloid beta (aβ) protein assembles into larger protein aggregates during the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and there is increasing evidence that soluble aβ oligomers are a critical pathologic species. Diagnostic evaluations rely on the measurement of increased tau and decreased aβ42 in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from AD patients and evidence for oligomeric aβ in patient CSF is conflicting. In this study, we have adapted a monoclonal single antibody sandwich ELISA assay to a Luminex platform and found that this assay can detect oligomerized aβ42 and sAPPα fragments. We evaluated oligomeric aβ reactivity in 20 patients with AD relative to 19 age matched controls and compared these values with a commercially available Alzbio3 kit that detects tau, phosphorylated tau and aβ42 on the same diagnostic platform. We found that CSF samples of patients with AD had elevated aβ oligomers compared to control subjects (p < 0.05) and the ratio of aβ oligomers to aβ42 was also significantly elevated (p < 0.0001). Further research to develop high sensitivity analytical platforms and rigorous methods of developing stable assay standards will be needed before the analysis of oligomeric aβ becomes a routine diagnostic assay for the evaluation of late onset AD patients.
Adrianna Z Herskovits, Joseph J Locascio, Elaine R Peskind, Ge Li, Bradley T Hyman

1659 related Products with: A Luminex assay detects amyloid β oligomers in Alzheimer's disease cerebrospinal fluid.

96 tests96 tests96 tests96 tests500 tests900 tests100 assays100 assays

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#22552903   2012/05/03 To Up

Development and advanced validation of an optimized method for the quantitation of Aβ42 in human cerebrospinal fluid.

Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers have been extensively utilized in the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and characterization of progression. One important CSF biomarker is the amyloid beta 42 (Aβ(42)) peptide, a key player in AD pathogenesis. The INNOTEST® Aβ(42) ELISA kit has been widely used but an advanced level of method development and validation has not been reported. To support a clinical trial in AD, we successfully completed a Good Laboratory Practices (GLP)-level validation of the method to establish the parameters of precision, accuracy, parallelism, selectivity, specificity, and linearity of dilution of the assay in CSF matrix, as well as CSF storage stability. Several modifications were required to optimize the assay and ensure consistent results in a clinical-trial setting. These included the use of additional calibrators, an adjusted standard curve range, a minimum required dilution (MRD) of CSF by 6-fold to avoid matrix interference and mitigation of analyte adsorption to labware by the addition of Tween-20. The optimized method displayed a quantitative range of 375-4,500 pg/mL. The inter-assay precision was ≤12.1 % CV and the inter-assay relative accuracy was ≤10.9 % absolute bias, bringing the total error of the assay to ≤23 %. The intra-assay precision of the assay at the high validation standard and below was ≤5.5 % CV; this enables sensitive detection of biomarker changes across a therapeutic regime. The INNOTEST® Aβ(42) ELISA kit, modified as reported here, may be appropriate for many applications, including regulatory agency acceptable clinical diagnosis and pharmacodynamic assessment.
Valerie C Cullen, Ross A Fredenburg, Cindy Evans, Phyllis R Conliffe, Michael E Solomon

2405 related Products with: Development and advanced validation of an optimized method for the quantitation of Aβ42 in human cerebrospinal fluid.

100 μg100 μg4 Membranes/Box100 μg100 μg 100 UG

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